I had a palpable feeling of gratitude this week, hosting the first in-person UX Belfast meetup since November 2019.
Wednesday evening saw guests Michael Metts and Andy Welfle take questions on their book ‘Writing is Designing: Words and the User Experience‘. There was much to inspire any designer, product manager or writer.
Based on extensive design industry experience, Jill Spratt‘s engaging address brought theory to life through multiple examples of her work.
Thank you to Puppet in Belfast for opening their doors to the ever-growing UX design community of Belfast and beyond; to Andy and Michael for their time and insights; to Jill for an enlightening talk; and to everyone who attended in person or online.
The meetup is nothing without the contributors and an audience to engage with them. I’m grateful we had such great representations of both.
And what would a hybrid meetup be without a few technical hitches and rough edges? The in-person/online format presents many challenges, but the only option is to take them on and learn over time. Plans for 2023 meetups are underway.